Cemeteries and Headstones in South Australia, Australia

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Grave of Charles Enos and Henrietta Grace Rosedew Hall (n. Tiller)
Grave of Charles Enos and Henrietta Grace Rosedew Hall (n. Tiller)
Charles and Henrietta Hall lay at rest together at The Grace Plains Methodist Church Cemetery. 
Located  Row E, Allotment 30  Charles Enos Hall (d. 1939)
Henrietta Grace Rosedew Tiller (d. 09 Octo 1950)
Headstone of  Charles Enos and Henrietta Grace Rosedew Hall (n. Tiller)
Headstone of Charles Enos and Henrietta Grace Rosedew Hall (n. Tiller)
Charles and Henrietta Hall are buried together at The Grace Plains Methodist Church Cemetery. 
Located  Row E, Allotment 30  Charles Enos Hall (d. 1939)
Henrietta Grace Rosedew Tiller (d. 09 Octo 1950)

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