Cemeteries and Headstones in South Australia, Australia

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Headstone - Stuart Charles Roach Baker
Headstone - Stuart Charles Roach Baker
Stuart Charles Roach Baker died 17 May 1998 and was buried 21 May 1998 at the Mallala Cemetery, South Australia, Australia. His grave is located in Allotment 174 North. 
Located  Allotment 174 North  Stuart Charles Roach Baker (d. 17 May 1998)
Headstone of Allan George Darling and Effie Linda Turner
Headstone of Allan George Darling and Effie Linda Turner
Effie Linda Turner died 2nd October 1974, aged 82. Allan George Darling Turner died 14th December 1974, aged 86. 
Located  Allotment 26 South  Effie Linda Tiller (d. 2 Oct 1974)
Allan George Darling Turner (d. 14 Dec 1974)
Headstone of Archie Albert Griffiths
Headstone of Archie Albert Griffiths
Archie Albert Griffiths died 21 February 1986, aged 82 and is buried in the Mallala Cemetery, South Australia, his grave is located in Allotment 176 and he shares his grave with his first wife Evelyn.  
Located  Allotment 176  Archie Albert Griffiths (d. 21 Feb 1986)
Headstone of Stanley Richard and Olive Edith Tiller and Kingsley Richard Tiller
Headstone of Stanley Richard and Olive Edith Tiller and Kingsley Richard Tiller
Headstone of Stanley Richard and Olive Edith Tiller and their infant son Kingsley Richard Tiller 
Located  Allotment 19 North  Olive Edith Sowerby (d. 9 Feb 1994)
Kingsley Richard Tiller (d. 2 May 1944)
Stanley Richard Tiller (d. 5 Oct 2003)

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