Cemeteries and Headstones in Victoria, Australia

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Headstone of Clarence lake Mottley Stirling Smith (Mott)
Headstone of Clarence lake Mottley Stirling Smith (Mott)
Mott died 1st Aug 1979 aged 85 and is buried beside his wife Edith at the Murrayville Cemetery, Victoria, Australia 
Located    Clarence Lake Mottley Stirling Smith (d. 1 Aug 1979)
Headstone of Clarence lake Mottley Stirling Smith, Edith Dorothy Smith and Kaylene Ann Bennett
Headstone of Clarence lake Mottley Stirling Smith, Edith Dorothy Smith and Kaylene Ann Bennett
Clarence lake Mottley Stirling Smith, his wife Edith Dorothy Smith and their Grand daughter Kaylene Ann Bennett share a gave at the Murrayville Cemetery, Victoria, Australia 
Located    Kaylene Ann Bennett (d. 28 Apr 1968)
Clarence Lake Mottley Stirling Smith (d. 1 Aug 1979)
Edith Dorothy White (d. Yes, date unknown)
Headstone of Edith Dorothy Smith (n. White)
Headstone of Edith Dorothy Smith (n. White)
Edith died 23 may 1964 aged 57 and is buried alongside "Mott" at the Murrayville Cemetery, Murrayville Cemetery Rd, Murrayville, Victoria, Australia 
Located    Edith Dorothy White (d. Yes, date unknown)

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)

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