John and Julie Tucker Family History
Latitude: -34.044011674935795, Longitude: 138.47243500174955
BirthMatches 1 to 4 of 4
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
1 |
Cavanagh, Jessie Agnes Ruth | 21 Jul 1897 | Hundred of Hall, South Australia, Australia | I11685 |
2 |
Cavanagh, Phillip Stuart | 4 Jan 1902 | Hundred of Hall, South Australia, Australia | I11689 |
3 |
Tiller, Clem Hill | 1 May 1899 | Hundred of Hall, South Australia, Australia | I0373 |
4 |
Veitch, Agnes Olive | 6 Aug 1889 | Hundred of Hall, South Australia, Australia | I0305 |