Ronald Keith Bell[1]

Male 1927 - 2004  (77 years)

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  • Name Ronald Keith Bell 
    Birth 1927  [2
    Gender Male 
    Death 2004  [1
    Person ID I10647  Tucker Family Tree | Duffield Family Tree
    Last Modified 20 Dec 2023 

    Father Lionel Edward Bell,   b. 8 Nov 1884, Perth, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 06 Oct 1960, Perth, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 75 years) 
    Mother Elizabeth Alice Warburton,   b. 23 Apr 1886, Benger, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 18 Nov 1948, Northam, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 62 years) 
    Marriage 09 Sep 1903  Benger, Western Australia, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 3
    Southern Times Newspaper, Bunbury, Western Australia, Australia, Marriage of Elizabeth Alice Warburton and Lionel Edward Bell
    Southern Times Newspaper, Bunbury, Western Australia, Australia, Marriage of Elizabeth Alice Warburton and Lionel Edward Bell
    This article reporting on the marriage of Elizabeth Alice Warburton and Lionel Edward Bell was published in The Southern Times Newspaper, Bunbury, Western Australia, Australia, Saturday 12 September 1903, on page 6, titled Orange Blossoms.
    Family ID F3325  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Joyce Pamela Stickley 
     1. Keith Bell
    +2. John Bell
    Family ID F3368  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 13 Dec 2009 

  • Sources 
    1. [S665] David Bell.

    2. [S52] Oliver E Duffield, Duffields of Bicton 1776 - 1986 Vol 3, (Lutheran Publishing House 205 Halifax St Adelaide, 5000. 86-1913), 67, ISBN 0 9594692 1 4. (Reliability: 2).

    3. [S21] Department of the Atorney General, W.A. Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages, 1903 (Reliability: 2).
      Surname Bell, Given Name Lionel Edward, Sex Male, Event Marriage, Index Year 1903, Spouse Surname Warburton, Spouse Given Names Elizabeth Alice, Place of Registration Place Benger, Registration Year 1903, Registration Number 2010

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