1877 - 1939 (62 years)
Name |
Hartly Gladstone Hawkins [1, 2] |
Birth |
5 May 1877 |
Willow Lodge, Warnertown, South Australia, Australia [1, 2] |
South Australia Birth Registrations 1842-1928 - Hartly Gladstone Hawkins Hartly Gladstone Hawkins, son of William Clement Hawkins and Miriam Jane Tucker, born 05 May 1877, Registration District Clare, Registration number 183/294 |
Gender |
Male |
Occupation |
1903 |
Warner Town, South Australia, Australia [3] |
Farmer |
Residence |
1903 |
Warner Town, South Australia, Australia [3] |
Warner Town, South Australia, Australia |
Occupation |
1934 |
36 First Avenue, Royston Park, South Australia, Australia [4] |
Director |
Death |
9 Jul 1939 |
St Peters, North Adelaide, South Australia, Australia [1, 5] |
South Australia Death Registration Transcription Hartley Gladstone Hawkins Hartley Gladstone Hawkins died 09 Jul 1939 at St Peters, North Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. Death Registration No. 614/2876 |
Person ID |
I2475 |
Tucker Family Tree | The descendants of James Tucker |
Last Modified |
31 Oct 2019 |
Father |
William Clement Hawkins, b. 18 Jun 1844, Albany, Western Australia, Australia d. 7 Jun 1893, Napperby, South Australia, Australia (Age 48 years) |
Mother |
Miriam Jane Tucker, b. 5 Sep 1849, McClaren Vale, South Australia, Australia d. 26 Sep 1918, Willow Lodge, Warnertown, South Australia, Australia (Age 69 years) |
Marriage |
29 Jul 1869 |
St Ann Church Aldinga, South Australia, Australia |
St Ann's Church Aldinga South Australia, Australia St Ann's Church Aldinga South Australia |
St Ann's Anglican Church Aldinga South Australia St Ann's Anglican Church Aldinga South Australia |
Family ID |
F0712 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
 | The Family of Clement and Jane Hawkins Back row, L to R: Hartley Hawkins, Millie hawkins (Angel), Ethel Hawkind (Dow), Friend hawkins, Minnie Hawkins (n. speed), Charlie Smith
Middle Row LtoR: robert J Holman, Eliza Holman (n. Hawkings), Effie Holman, Miriam Jane Hawkins (n. Tucker), francis Hawkins, Lilly Smith (n. Hawkins)
Children at front: Cyril Holman, Tom Holman, Jack Hawkins,… |
 | The Hawkins Family Back L to R: Ethel, Clement Friend, Godfrey, Hartley
Front: L to R: Lilly May, Miriam Jane (n. Tucker), Eliza Rosanna
Seated: Millie |
 | 1922 South Australian Directory (Sands) Hartley G Hawkins 1922 South Australian Directory (Sands) page 984 Hartley G Hawkins Dirctor South Australian Farmers Union. |
 | 1903 South Australia Po Directory (Wise) Hartley Gladstone Hawkins Hartley Gladstone Hawkins Farmer, Warner Town, South Australia, Australia |
 | 1903 South Australia Po Directory (Wise), Hartley Gladstone Hawkins Hartley Gladstone Hawkins Farmer |
 | 1934 South Australian Directory (Sands) Hawkins H. G page 1187, Hawkins H.G. Director, 36 First Ave, Roystone Park, South Australia, Australia |
Notes |
- Marriage details obtained from Digger - South Australian Marriages, Registrations 1842 - 1916 Book 224 Page 470. At the time of their marriage Hartley was 28yrs old and Bertha was 23yrs old.
Harty's birth details were obtained from South Australian Births 1842-1906 book183, page 294, district code Cla.
The following are quotes from newspaper articles about Him:
Youngest son of William Clement Hawkins, Born May 5th 1877, "Willow Lodge", Warnertown, Educated Public School, Stanley Grammar School, Watervale. Elected to the Board South Australian Farmers' Co-operative Executors & Trustees Ltd. Chairman Renovial Rubber Co. Ltd. Chairman United Farmers' Ltd; Director of the Co-op Assurance Co.; Director South Australian Co-op, Wheat Pools Ltd,; Director Cresco Fertilizers Ltd. Elected a Member of the Legislative Council for the Northern District in March, 1933. Represented South Australia in General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australia. Member of the Boards of Control connected with Prince Alfred College; Wesley College, Memorial Hospital, Epworth Book Depot; South Australian Trustee Methodist Church, Canberra; Representative to many Interstate Wheat Conferences. World Tour 1928-29. Elected Honary Member (3 month) Baltic Wheat Exchange, London, Married August 3rd, 1905 Bertha Elizabeth Sandow, Daughter of the late J.M. Sandow, "Trelawney", Mintaro, South Australia.
In a substantial list of Union men who have been Parliamentarians, John Wallace Shannon, who was chairman for one year before the appointment of Mr Hawkins, was the only one in the Federal sphere. He was chairman of committees in the Senate.
The farmer-business man type which has guided the destinies of the Union has no better exemplar than Mr Hawkins, who in 1938 is in his 16th year as chairman of directors and has completed 25 years as director. In a business of such volume and of such a character, that quarter of a century, when it is remembered that it contained the war years, with the extraordinary difficulties associated with the shipment of wheat, and the later depression, which struck the farming community such a cruel blow, provided a unique experience,
Mr Hawkins came to the directorates one of the best known agriculturalists of Warnertown - "a young and energetic farmer", "The Farm" said, But he had had a notably practical business training in branches allied with the land. He spent a season in a port Adelaide wool store, a year with a Livestock firm and with which he was a salesman and auctioneer, and a similar term with an Adelaide hardware firm. He has in the course of many years of close study of the co-operative movement acquired a profound knowledge of the subject and of the conditions that affect the marketing of Australian products. He has travelled widely in his quest for knowledge. He has studied dairy problems in New Zealand and has twice toured the world. In 1928-29 while in England he concentrated on marketing and spent three months on the Baltic Wheat Exchange, London which was most valuable to him and the Union.
The election to the chair of William Miller and to the directorate of Hartley Gladstone Hawkins coincided in 1912, when a 10% dividend was declared. Miller had been a director from 1893, and at this time George Ferguson, who first became a director in 1890, was the only other member with longer service on the board. Ferguson, though often acting chairman, never held the office.
Accompanied by Mrs Hawkins, Hon H.G. Hawkins, M.L.C., will leave for Sydney on February 3, where he will embark on the Awatea for New Zealand. After a month touring both Islands Mr Hawkins will leave for San Francisco by the Monterey, Staying two weeks at Honolulu en route, California will be visited before making the trip across the United States to New York. The return to the Pacific coast will be made across Canada and, of course, Mr Hawkins will be most interested in the activities of the well known organizations for the handling of Canadian farm produce.
Although ostensibly on a pleasure trip Mr Hawkins will take every opportunity of gaining knowledge which will be an aid to him in co-operative matters and public life. He will take particular interest in North American methods of preventing soil erosion.
Mr Hawkins expects to return to Australia at the end of June. However, if time permits, he may decide to include Japan, China and Singapore in his programme, the date of return being somewhat indefinite.
Chairman of Directors of Farmers' Union
Keen Student of Marketing
Mr Hartley Gladstone Hawkins, M.L.C., chairman of directors of the South Australian Farmers' Co=Operative Union, died at the Memorial Hospital yesterday after a long illness.
Mr Hawkins was born at Warnertown in 1877, and, as his father died when he was only 13 years old, the responsibilities of managing the whole of the estate which comprised two farms of an aggregate of more than 1,700 acres, in the Napperby district, fell largely upon him.
Mr Hawkins' connection with the Farmers' Union goes back to his very young days, as he was always a strong believer in the co-operative system. As a shareholder, he was primarily instrumental in bringing into being the system of advisory committees, and for many years he was connected with the Port Pirie and Warnertown committees. He was elected to the directorate of the Union in 1912 and assumed the chairmanship in 1922. In a business of such volume and of such a character, Mr Hawkins' 25 years as a director provided him with unique experience, especially when it is remembered that this period embraced the war years, with the extraordinary difficulties associated with the shipment of wheat.
Mr Hawkins was well equipped to occupy the chairmanship of such an important co-operative concern. He had had a notably practical business training in branches allied with the land, having spent a season in a Port Adelaide wool store, a year with a livestock firm with which he was an auctioneer, and a similar term with an Adelaide hardware firm.
Mr Hawkins represented the Northern District in the Legislative Council for five years, and was a member at the time of his death.
Mr Hawkins was Federal and State Director of the Co-operative Insurance Company of Australia Limited and Federal Director of the Producers' and Citizens' Co-op Assurance Company Limited. He was also on the Directorate of the South Australian Co-op Wheat Pools Limited, Cresco Fertilizers Ltd (South Australia) and the Renovial Rubber.
An Arden support of the Methodist Church, Mr Hawkins was an ex officio member of the Methodist Conference, a member of the Committee of Prince Alfred College, of the Executive Committee of the Methodist Church, of the Committee of the Memorial Hospital, of the Committee of Scripture Instruction in State Schools, of the Wesley College Council, of the Board of the Epworth Book Depot, Superintendent of the Spicer Memorial Sunday School, and a Member and Trustee of the Australian Alexander Bible Institute.
Mr Hawkins has left a Widow.
The Funeral will leave for the Payneham Cemetery at 3.30pm today from the late Mr Hawkins residence at Winchester Street, St Peters.
The President of the Legislative Council (Sir David Gordon) said last night that the death of Mr Hawkins would be deeply regretted by members of Parliament and by a wide circle of friends throughout Australia. Mr Hawkins had been a man of high ideals and his genial nature had made him popular with the members of both houses who had held him in high esteem. The sympathy of members would be extended to Mrs Hawkins in her great loss. (The Tucker Family in Australia, 1992)
Sources |
- [S1] Cynthis Henley-Smith, The Tucker Family in Australia, (Gillingham Printers Pty Ltd Adelaide, South Australia), 1992, 394-396 (Reliability: 3).
- [S531] Genealogy SA, trading as the South Australian Genealogy & Heraldry Societ Inc., findmypast, South Australia Births 1842-1928, (findmypast), 5 May 1877, Clare 183/294 (Reliability: 3).
See attached South Australia Birth Registration Transcription of Hartly Gladstone Hawkins
- [S568] Ancestry, Australia, City Directories, 1845-1948, South Australia PO Directory (Wise), (Ancestry Australia), 1903, 632/1903 (Reliability: 3).
See attached copy of South Australia PO Directory (Wise) page 632, 1903, Harley Gladstone Hawkins
- [S569] Ancestry Australia, City Directories, 1845-1948, South Australian Directory (Sands), 1934, 1187/1934 (Reliability: 3).
See attached copy of 1934 South Australian Directory (sands), page 1187, H. G, Hawkins.
- [S529] findmypast, South Australian Deaths 1842-1972, 9 Jul 1939, Adelaide, 614/2876 (Reliability: 3).
See attached South Australia Death Registration Transcription for Hartley Gladstone Hawkins, Registration Adelaide, 614/2876
- [S493] Genealogy SA, trading as the South Australian Genealogy & Heraldry Society, findmypast, South Australian Marriages 1842-1937 Transcription, (findmypast), 3 Aug 1905, Clare 224/470 (Reliability: 3).
See attached copy of South Australia Marriage Registration Transcription 03 Aug 1905, Hartley Gladstone Hawkins and Bertha Elizabeth Sandow
- [S27] South Australian Genealogy and Heraldry Society Inc, South Australian Marriages Registrations 1842 - 1916, (South Australian Genealogy and Heraldry), 1905, book 224 page 470 (Reliability: 3).
Groom Surname Hawkins, Given Names Harley Gladstone, Bride Surname Sandow, Given Names Bertha Elizabeth, Date 03 Aug 1905, Groom Age 28, Marital Status Single, Grooms Father William Clement Hawkins, Brides Age 23, Bride Marital Status Single,
Brides Father John Michael Sandow, Place Methodist Church Mintaro, District Cla, Book 224 Page 470