Jack Turner


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  • Name Jack Turner  [1
    Gender Male 
    Person ID I66  Tucker Family Tree
    Last Modified 5 Nov 2013 

    Father Joseph William Turner,   b. c1864, Hartford, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 23 Mar 1938, Devon Public Hospital, Latrobe, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 73 years) 
    Relationship Birth 
    Mother Mary Kate Griffiths,   b. 1875, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1 Nov 1919, Don (Devonport), Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 44 years) 
    Relationship Birth 
    Marriage 24 Aug 1897  Port Frederick, Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location  [2, 3
    • The City of Devonport Tasmania

      The area was first surveyed by Captain Charles Hardwicke in 1823. The area was originally known as Port Frederick,[2] then Mersey River, the name of the river flowing through the town. Later it became two separate towns - Formby on the western side, and Torquay on the east (first settled by Charles Oldaker).[3] The towns were joined to become Devonport (named for Devonport in England) in 1890

    Marriage Certificate of Joseph William Turner and Mary Kate Griffiths
    Marriage Certificate of Joseph William Turner and Mary Kate Griffiths
    Joseph William Turner and Mary Kate Griffiths were married 24 Aug 1897 at Port Frederick (Devonport), Tasmania, Australia
    Family ID F2678  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Sources 
    1. [S185] Henry Reginald John Greene, 4 Nov 2013 (Reliability: 3).
      Mary Kate Turner (n. Griffiths) was my mothers mother - my grandmother. There were eight children: Violet, Norah, Joseph William (Bill) , May , Jack , Hilda Mary (my mother) Harry and Alfred.

    2. [S185] Henry Reginald John Greene, 24 Aug 1891 (Reliability: 2).
      Mary Kate Griffiths married Joseph William Turner 24 August 1891 West Devonport Tasmania.

    3. [S6] Archives Office of Tasmania, Tasmanian Pioneers, (The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Association with the Archives Office of Tasmania), 24 Aug 1897 (Reliability: 2).
      Surname Griffiths, Given Names Mary Kate, Age 22, Sex Female, Event Marriage, Spouse Surname Turner, Spouse Given Names Joseph, Spouse Age 32, Registration Place Port Frederick, Event Date 24 Aug, Event Year 1897, Registration Year 1897, registration Number 825, RGD Number 37

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