1825 - 1901 (76 years)
Name |
William Thorley |
Christening |
1825 |
Church of England, Richmond, New South Wales, Australia [1] |
Birth |
13 Aug 1825 |
Mount Thorley Homestead, Patricks Plains, New South Wales, Australia [1, 2] |
The name Saint Patrick?s Plains was bestowed upon the area possibly by John Howe, the leader of the party which first reached it in 1819 and 1820. Howe?s first expedition crossed the mountains from Windsor and arrived at the river (he didn?t then know it was the Hunter) near the present-day Jerry?s Plains. The following year with a larger group, he used a modified and somewhat easier route, and on 15th March 1820 arrived at the river downstream at Whittingham, close to the present site of Singleton.
The original name was soon shortened to Patrick Plains. Initially this name covered a very large area ? from the foothills of the range between the Hawkesbury and Hunter Rivers to the south, Maitland (then called Wallis Plains) to the east down river, and spread out into unknown country to the north and west. Districts as far afield as Scone (Invermein) and Merriwa (Gummun Plains) were included.
Other names which were used in early settlement days were Wollombi Brook and Cockfighters Creek for the areas bordering this stream. Hunters River was the name for the area along the River, not only in the Patrick Plains area but for the whole length of the valley. And Goulburn River applied to the land along this tributary. By the early 1840 many settlements and villages had developed and were named, some officially and other informally. Names the early settlers had given to their grants were frequently adopted for a wider area.
The first town, designated Whittingham by the authorities, never developed. Settlers preferred Benjamin Singleton?s chosen site where he had built his inn beside the ford. This early village had the advantage of being a good resting place for travellers and horses or bullocks before tackling the river crossing to proceed up the valley. When the first post office was set up the name Darlington was allotted to the town, but this has only persisted in a small part of what developed into the town of Singleton. By 1836 Benjamin Singleton was offering housing allotments for sale.
In 1843 a district Council of Patrick Plains was set up, and this defined the districts as covering a more compact area than in the 1820s. It still began in the range between the Hawkesbury and Hunter Rivers in the south, and the range at the head of Fal Brook in the north; Black Creek (Branxton) to the east and Jerry?s Plains to the west. These boundaries remain. When, however, the Municipality of Singleton and the Shire of Patrick Plains amalgamated in 1975. The name Singleton was retained and Patrick Plains discarded. As time goes on less and less people remember the old name, so the Family History Society of Singleton Inc decided to keep the name alive, at least in a small way. Thus our journal became ?The Patrick Plains Gazette?.
Gender |
Male |
Census |
Nov 1828 |
New South Wales, Australia |
Census of the Colony of New South Wales was taken in November 1828 |
Death |
28 Oct 1901 |
Murrumbidgerie, New South Wales, Australia [3, 4, 5] |
- The Village of Murrumbidgerie is now called Wongarbon.
Death of William Thorley William Thorley died at Murrumbidgerie, New South Wales, Australia on Monday 28 October 1901. The notification of his death was published in the Wellington Times Newspaper, Thursday 31 October 1901 on page 4 |
Burial |
Church of England portion, Murrumbidgerie Cemetery, Murrumbidgerie, New South Wales Australia [6] |
- The Murrumbidgerie Cemetery is now called the Wongarbon Cemetery.
The Death of William Thorley William Thorley died Monday 28 October 1901 and was buried in the Church of England Portion of the Murrumbidgerie Cemetery, Murrumbidgerie, New South Wales, Australia - see attached Newspaper Clipping - published in The Dubbo Liberal and Macquarie Advocate Newspaper, Saturday 2 November 1901, page 2 |
Person ID |
I9594 |
Tucker Family Tree |
Last Modified |
16 Mar 2015 |
Father |
Phillip Thorley, b. 04 Aug 1799, Sydney Cove, New South Wales, Australia d. 03 May 1883, Mount Thorley Homestead, Patricks Plains, Singleton, New Southj Wales, Australia (Age 83 years) |
Mother |
Mary Griffiths, b. 30 May 1804, Richmond, New South Wales, Australia d. 21 Jan1874, Mt Thorley, New South Wales, Australia |
Marriage |
05 Feb 1821 |
Church of England, Richmond, New South Wales, Australia [7] |
Family ID |
F1979 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Mary J Eather, b. 07 Jan 1830, Wollombi, New South Wales, Australia d. 10 Dec 1913, Wongarbon, Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia (Age 83 years) |
Marriage |
21 Jul 1844 |
St Andrews Presbyterian Church, Singleton, New South Wales, Australia [8] |
St Andrew's Presbyterian Church Singleton New South Wales Australia St Andrew's Presbyterian Church Singleton New South Wales Australia |
Children |
+ | 1. Sarah Ann Thorley, b. 25 Apr 1847, Cockfighters Creek, Warkworth, New South Wales, Australia d. 23 Oct 1931, Wongarbon, New South Wales, Australia (Age 84 years) |
| 2. Frances Thorley, b. 1849, Warkworth, New South Wales, Australia [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth] |
| 3. Edward Thorley, b. 14 Aug 1851, Warkworth, New South Wales, Australia d. 1926, Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia (Age 74 years) [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth] |
| 4. William Wynn Thorley, b. 22 Dec 1853, Warkworth, New South Wales, Australia d. 1 Nov 1937, Wongarbon, Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia (Age 83 years) [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth] |
| 5. Frances Jane Thorley, b. 1857, Patricks Plain, New South Wales, Australia d. 1875, Cassilis, New South Wales, Australia (Age 18 years) [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth] |
| 6. Victoria Thorley, b. 3 Feb 1859, Mount Pleasant, Warkworth, New South Wales, Australia d. 30 Apr 1929, Singleton, New South Wales, Australia (Age 70 years) [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth] |
| 7. Kezia Thorley, b. 16 Aug 1861, Warkworth, New South Wales, Australia d. 1923, Drummoyne, New South Wales, Australia (Age 61 years) [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth] |
| 8. Albenia Thorley, b. 1864, Wongabon, New South Wales, Australia [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth] |
| 9. Mary Thorley, b. 23 Feb 1866, Ironbark, Cassillis, New South Wales, Australia d. 1934, Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia (Age 67 years) [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth] |
| 10. Alfred James Thorley, b. 1868, Cassilis, New South Wales, Australi d. 1962, Belmont, New South Wales, Australia (Age 94 years) [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth] |
| 11. Adolphus Thorley, b. 1870, Cassilis, New South Wales, Australia d. 2 Dec 1936, Wongarbon, New South Wales, Australia (Age 66 years) [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth] |
| 12. Amanda Thorley, b. 19 Sep 1872, Cassilis, New South Wales, Australia [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth] |
Family ID |
F3023 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
25 Dec 2016 |
Sources |
- [S4] New South Wales Government, NSW BDM, 1825 (Reliability: 3).
Surname Thorley, Given Names William, Sex Male, Event Birth, Index Year 1825, Father Philip, Mother Mary, Denomination Church of England, Parish Richmond, Volume Reference V18259880 1C, Registration Year 1825
The NSW Government Department of Birth Deaths and Marriages obtained this record from early church records. The entry could cover Birth,christening or both.
This birth/christening has been recorded three times the volume entries are V1825561 14 & V1825130 157
- [S152] John Griffiths, 13 Aug 1825 (Reliability: 2).
William W Thorley born 13 Aug 1825, Mount Thorley Homestead, Patricks Plains, New South Wales, Australia.
- [S280] Wellington Times Newspaper, 31 Oct 1901, 4 (Reliability: 3).
Death occurred at Murrumbidgerie on Monday of Mr William Thorley, at the age of 80 years. See attached Newspaper Clipping.
Published Wellington Times Newspaper, Thursday 31 October 1901, page 4.
- [S281] The Dubbo Liberal and Macquarie Advocate Newspaper, 2 Nov 1901, 2 (Reliability: 3).
See attached Newspaper Clipping
- [S4] New South Wales Government, NSW BDM, 1901 (Reliability: 2).
Surname Thorley, Given Names William, Sex Male, Event Death, Index Year 1901, Father William, Mother Mary, Place of Registration Dubbo, Registration Year 1901, Registration Number 13376
- [S281] The Dubbo Liberal and Macquarie Advocate Newspaper, 2 Nov 1901, 2 (Reliability: 3).
See attached Newspaper Article
- [S4] New South Wales Government, NSW BDM, 1821 (Reliability: 3).
Surname Griffiths, Given Names Mary, Sex Female, Event Marriage, Index Year 1821, Spouse Surname Thorley, Spouse Given Names Phillip, Spouse Sex Male, Denomination Church of England, Parish Richmond, Volume Number V18212695 3B,Registration Year 1821
The Marriage was also registered V182143 156 and V1821154 156
- [S4] New South Wales Government, NSW BDM, 1844 (Reliability: 3).
Surname Thorley, Given Names William, Sex Male, Event Marriage, Index Year 1844, Spouse Surname Eather, Spouse Given Names Mary, Spouse Sex Female, Denomination Presbyterian, Parish Whittingham, Volume Number V1814675 123, Registration Year 1844.